New 40’ Tower on Bromley Summit

This fall the Green Mountain Club dedicated the new Observation Tower on the top of Bromley Mountain. Originally built in 1962 as a lookout for fire danger, the wooden tower was dismantled due to safety concerns in 2012. Thus began an effort by the local Green Mountain Club, spearheaded by Marge Fish, to raise funds for a new tower, approximately $300,000. Although funding was secured by 2022, the build schedule was delayed by Covid and severe weather events diverting Renaud Bros to recovery needs in the state.   Renaud is a contractor specializing in bridge construction, earthmoving and site work, concrete formwork and installation, based in Vernon, VT.  A very special thanks to Alex Dunklee for his supervision on this project, to the Green Mountain Club who maneuvered its way through the permitting and logistical processes and to the many, many Bromley friends, towns, Green Mountain Club friends, Bromley Mountain Ski Resort, et al. for making this possible. Note: the treads on the steps should be secure for ski boots!